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Where Im From

Gina Nordmann


World Literature

August 23, 2016

                                                                                      Where I’m From


I am from cheer poms iphones and baby blankets

I am from the subaerial hot dog stands of Chicago

(Dark, gloom, it smells like dust)

I am from the yellow roses

And prickly cactus

Which I have touched over a thousand times

I started to bleed


I am from the skittles so spritely colored

And the pizza so warm and coated with cheese

I am from the present on Christmas Eve 

To the family that plays almost every sport in the book From the Tracy, Richard and Nordmann’s

I am from the big brown hair and the big brown eyes family

From the, “Clean your room” and the, “Get a job”

I am from a family that doesn’t go to church but still believes in god


I am from RUSH hospital and the grimy Chicago suburbs

From the hot dogs and cannoli’s 

To the sneaking down to the basement to eat sticks of butter,

The moving to Georgia only to pack the salt and pepper first

And the first pet I had ever owned dying the very next day

I am from the family that gives onto others,

 And receives instead of takes And I am from confidence  and the still knowing that I have time to learn and grow

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