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Gina Nordmann

M. Yeganegi

World Literature

August 23, 2016

                                                                     Stop The Cycle


            No matter if your young or old, stereotypes are said to you either being negative or positive. They are a part of our everyday lives now. You could be labels with a group of people or jut on your own. Stereotypes are known to impact people social lives, emotion and how that interact with the environment.

            Stereotyping is a huge problem in today’s society. People are putting labels on each other criticizing their sex, race, ethnicity, or even personality. These labels impact others in their everyday lives. For example, an individual might like to play video game but is so ashamed and scare to because they have been told that, “only guys play video games”, and “All video gamer are lazy”. This is just some of the example that I have had firsthand experience at witnessing through my brother and some of his friends.

            When you are saying or mention a stereotype do you ever stop to wonder how the other person might feel about it. Stereotypes do hurt and can cause permanent damage to one’s emotions and self-esteem, even if you don’t realize it at the time. I know that I as a person have put labels on people or have criticized them in some way and for that I am sorry. I have said things about fellow students, family members, friends and teachers. Everyone has aid something in their life that counts as a stereotype.; and we have all been labeled by someone else.

            Stereotypes are just a never ending cycle The more aid the less that can be done about them. If people can stand up to others and say enough is enough, then maybe we have a chance as a community. We need to brake the bond between people and stereotype and put own the labels down for once. We can all just be people and equals.

Stop the Cycle

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